Wednesday, June 18, 2014


Pornography is like a cancer in our society, it destroys the fivers of morality, decency, virtue, dignity, and respectability. It can destroy families, and erode our companionship with the Holy Ghost, for the Holy Ghost can not abide in impure vessels. The rapid spread and ease of accessibility through modern media make it a negative force not just to men and youth but also to women, even children are at risk of exposure to this revile practice. Abstaining from pornography will safeguard the sanctity of marriage, and keep families whole, we will not participate in an activity that is denigrating to women and youth can grow with sound healthy moral values. Overall we will enjoy the companionship of the Holy Ghost who is vital to our spiritual progression.

“Negative habits have the potential to become consuming addictions. These binding chains of addiction can have many forms, like pornography, alcohol, sex, drugs, tobacco, gambling, food, work, the Internet, or virtual reality. Satan, our common enemy, has many favorite tools he uses to rob us of our divine potential to accomplish our mission in the Lord’s kingdom.” DIETER F. UCHTDORF “Are You Sleeping Through the Restoration? April 2014, Priesthood Session

“Pornography will always repel the Spirit of Christ and will interrupt the communications between our Heavenly Father and His children and disrupt the tender relationship between husband and wife.” BOYD K PACKER “Cleansing the Inner Vessel” October 2010, General Conference

“Pornography impairs one’s ability to enjoy a normal emotional, romantic, and spiritual relationship with a person of the opposite sex. It erodes the moral barriers that stand against inappropriate, abnormal, or illegal behavior. As conscience is desensitized, patrons of pornography are led to act out what they have witnessed, regardless of its effects on their life and the lives of others."
 DALLIN H. OAKS “Pornography” April 2005, General Conference

"Brethren, you have noticed that I am not discussing the effects of pornography on mental health or criminal behavior. I am discussing [pornography’s] effects on spirituality—on our ability to have the companionship of the Spirit of the Lord and our capacity to exercise the power of the priesthood." DALLIN H. OAKS “Pornography” April 2005, General Conference

"Some persons struggle to differentiate between what they term “soft-core” and “hard-core” pornography. Actually, one leads to another." THOMAS S. MONSON “Pornography the Deadly Carrier” October 1979 General Conference

"Today we have a rebirth of ancient Sodom and Gomorrah. From seldom-read pages in dusty Bibles they come forth as real cities in a real world, depicting a real malady—pernicious permissiveness. [Pornography]" THOMAS S. MONSON “Pornography the Deadly Carrier” October 1979 General Conference

"Satan has become a master at using the addictive power of pornography to limit individual capacity to be led by the Spirit. The onslaught of pornography in all of its vicious, corroding, destructive forms has caused great grief, suffering, heartache, and destroyed marriages. It is one of the most damning influences on earth." RICHARD G. SCOTT “To Acquire Spiritual Guidance” October 2009 General Conference

"Participation in pornography in any of its lurid forms is a manifestation of unbridled selfishness. How can a man, particularly a priesthood bearer, not think of the emotional and spiritual damage caused to women, especially his wife, by such abhorrent activity?" RICHARD G. SCOTT “To Acquire Spiritual Guidance” October 2009 General Conference

"Sexual immorality and impure thoughts violate the standard established by the Savior. We were warned at the beginning of this dispensation that sexual immorality would be perhaps the greatest challenge. Movies, TV, and the Internet often convey degrading messages and images. This is one reason why pornography has become such a plague in our day." QUENTIN L. COOK “Can Ye Feel So Now?” October 2012 General Conference

"There is no corresponding outcry or even a significant warning from society at large about pornography or immorality." QUENTIN L. COOK “Can Ye Feel So Now?” October 2012 General Conference

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