Wednesday, June 18, 2014


Agency is a gift we have been given, we are free to choose for ourselves. We alone are responsible for the choices that we make and the benefits of consequences that we face when we choose right or wrong. We are free to choose to follow Heavenly Father or the devil. We chose to follow Heavenly Father when we were in heaven we chose to come to this world and be proven. By choosing to do right and to live the commandments we are continuing to choose to follow God’s plan. It is difficult to choose the right every single time, me must remember the blessings in store for the sons and daughters of Heavenly Father that are obedient, like peace and happiness.

“They never force righteousness because righteousness must be chosen. They make righteousness discernible to us, and They let us see that its fruits are delicious.” HENRY B. EYRING “A Priceless Heritage of Hope” April 2014, Saturday Morning Session

“In all of this, let us remember that there is an adversary who personally seeks to disrupt the work of the Lord. We must choose whom to follow.”  BOYD K. PACKER  “The Witness” April 2014, General Conference

“I promise that [listening to the Spirit] will lead you to clarity of choice when you are bombarded with choices and that they will lead to simple answers to questions that confuse the learned and those who think they are wise.” L. TOM PERRY “Obedience through Our Faithfulness” April, 2014, General Conference

“I would never be guilty of more serious wrongdoings if I allowed the Spirit to guide me in my decisions.” L. TOM PERRY “Obedience through Our Faithfulness” April, 2014, General Conference

“The wise use of your freedom to make your own decisions is crucial to your spiritual growth, now and for eternity. You are never too young to learn, never too old to change… Each day brings opportunity for decisions for eternity.” RUSELL M NELSON “Decisions for Eternity” October 2013, General Conference

“Using our agency to obey means choosing to “do what is right [and letting] the consequence follow.” ROBERT D. HALES  “If Ye Love Me, Keep My Commandments” April 2014, General Conference

“An atonement was made. Ever and always it offers amnesty from transgression and from death if we will but repent. Repentance is the escape clause in it all. Repentance is the key with which we can unlock the prison from inside. We hold that key within our hands, and agency is ours to use it.” BOYD K. PACKER “Atonement, Agency Accountability” April 1988, General Conference

“He taught that “men are instructed sufficiently that they know good from evil.” This sacred instruction began in the heavens. There, in a Grand Council, our Heavenly Father would continue the gift of agency to prove us here in mortality, “to see if [we] will do all things whatsoever the Lord [our] God shall command.” ROBERT D. HALE “To Act For Ourselves: The Gift and Blessings of Agency” April 2006, General Conference

“Moral discipline is the consistent exercise of agency to choose the right because it is right, even when it is hard. It rejects the self-absorbed life in favor of developing character worthy of respect and true greatness through Christlike service.” TODD CHRISTOFFERSON “Moral Discipline” October 2009, General Conference

“Richard L. Evans said in the film Man’s Search For Happiness: “Life offers you two precious gifts. One is time, the other, freedom of choice—the freedom to buy with your time what you will. You are free to exchange your allotment of time for thrills. You may trade it for base desires. You may invest it in greed. You may purchase with it vanity; you may spend your time in pursuit of material things. Yours is the freedom to choose. But these are not bargains, for in them you find no lasting satisfaction” L. TOM PERRY “Making The Right Decisions” October 1979 Priesthood Session

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